Meth= Sorcery Part 3

satan 1

Steve Box and his wife lost their two-year-old child in a car crash, leaving them to grieve with his wife crying herself to sleep countless nights while deep down blaming Steve for their son’s death. Thank God, they attended church where they were saved.

In The Gospel of John it says in verse 3:16-17 For this is how God loved the world: he gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.17 God sent His son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.(NLT)

I’ve known this since I was a little girl, I celebrated Easter and thought all about how Jesus Christ has died for my sins, but up to now I never realized how much this means for so many souls in the world. Steve also wrote a verse from the Holy bible from the book of  Romans 10: 8-10

Eight, in fact, it says:  The message is very close at hand: it is on your lips and in your heart.

And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: 9 If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.

After the death of Steve’s son, he couldn’t handle the pain, so he started to substitute it with worldly things like drugs, people and places to help numb his grief that he was feeling by trying to replace anything that had t had to do with any and every memory of the past. Steve started to commit adultery behind his wife’s back, who he soon left his wife for. This new relationship was not healthy, due to a regular regiment of partying.He was soon dealing drugs while strung out popping pills, drinking heavy and doing crystal meth. He was going 19 days sometimes without sleep, then would finally sleep for one night and back to getting high again. One night in particular stood out. Steve remembers drinking heavy on pills and crystal meth while sitting on his couch. To his horror, his hands and arms locked up curling into a twisted fashion while his body began convulsing uncontrollably in an almost rhythmic fashion that went on for hours.You would have thought that incident would of scared Steve, but within hours he was on his way to more meth. He rarely bathed, and he thrived on the grunge that went along with meth. Steve had become so paranoid on the drug that he carried a magnum 357 at all times along with fighting knives.

I can remember how this paralleled to crack cocaine. I myself seen people put blankets on their windows. Some would turn the lights off as if to hide from whatever was coming for them. Soon, Steve Box started to learn to cook the meth himself. He then started to describe meth and the making of it for what it is SORCERY, and how methamphetamine opens a gateway to the sins that are an abomination ( extreme hate and disgust) to God. Most of the different chemicals used in meth if ingested separately would kill you dead. One popular recipe uses red phosphorus (burnt bones). other chemicals include ephedrine or pseudo ephedrine, muriactic or hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, mineral spirits, acetone,camping fuel, iodine crystals or solution, anhydrous amonnia, lithiumor sodium metal, and lye. Each time a batch is produced a certain formula is used which is really a ritual(” a system or form of rites, religious or otherwise”). Rite means a solemn ceremonial act as in religion. Steve continues to explain that in the book of Revelation it says in the end times their would be sorcery. That sorcery is now here.Understand there are other types of sorcery and occult, but the most destructive sorcery that is killing, stealing,and destroying the most lives is Methamphetamine.

The future blogs will show that meth is a tool used by Satan to destroy so many that are enslaved to its power.The desire for the drug is so great that people will do just about anything to get it, and the dealers of this drug are enslaved by the power over others. Again this parallels to cocaine, heroin, and any other drug that empowers a false wealth, money and power Better known as balla, balla, shot calla which means whoever has enough of it has the power to call the shots over other peoples lives. I know becuz I am an ex drug dealer and I had whatever I wanted at other peoples expense.


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